LUC Recap: Concrete Strategies for Building Interactive Courses


Want to make your eLearning awesome and interactive? Erica Hunter and Penny Kurtz showed us some great tips at the 2016 Lectora® User Conference this year. They discussed using organized content, game-like activities, evaluations that don’t feel like tests, and applied scenarios and stories—simple ways to make courses interactive.“Lectora’s really fantastic because you can do a lot with a little,” says Penny. In the presentation, they shared tips for creating an engaging course using buttons, action groups, and variables.


Penny shares tips for making interactive courses in Lectora at LUC 2016

Here’s a bright idea from their presentation: a boring cyber security course had long paragraphs of text and next buttons, so they used buttons creatively to fix it. They chunked content under buttons on a side panel. In addition, they added a room image with invisible buttons on different items in the room—much more engaging than before!Regarding variables, Erica said, “You can get really creative and do a lot of wild stuff.” They had some great ideas for using variables in Lectora, like making a test more engaging. They created buttons with checks, and then added a summary paragraph about the correct answer, which makes a question seem less like a test and more like an activity.Erica and Penny said that Lectora offers great tools for building excellent interactive courses. Here’s some advice they shared:

  • Let the content shape the page.
  • It’s okay if you’re still learning.
  • Seek opportunities to grow and improve.

Thanks for an inspiring breakout session, Erica and Penny!Want to get creative in Lectora? Sign up for a free 30-day trial.